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Garbhavyakaran Shareeram - A study on literary aspects
By Dr Divya Jyothi
This is Video Description section
Panchatantra is a nitisastra, a treatise on political science and human conduct, or niti. It was written around 200 BCE by Pandit Vishnu Sarma, a sage. However, based as it is o...
Lobhavishta chakradhara katha says that, the man who has excess greed will suffer like last Brahmin in the ‘Chakradhara Katha’ moorkha brahmana katha says that, learned one ...
There are four types of words in Sanskrit, such as Naama, Aakhyaata, Upasarga,and Nipaata. When Vibhakti (cases) pratyaya (suffix) joins to the word (Naam), it is termed sup-pad...
Vaidyakiya subhashita sahitya lends easy reference for all students of Ayurveda. The author, Bhaskar Govinda Ghanekar, selected such quatations in his book, which emphasises on...
Vaidyakiya subhashita sahitya is a book of compilation including quatable slokas related to health and treatment, right from vaidika sahitya to recent books, with reference and ...
This chapter deals with nama roopas in pullinga, stree linga and napumsaka linga. they are further grouped in to ajanta and halanta, based on the ending letter whether it is swa...
Kriyapada (verb) denotes any action (work). The root of Kriyapada is known as Dhatu. The suffix joining to Dhatu is called as Akhyata. There are two types of Dhatu-Siddha and Sa...
Avyayas are such words in sanskrit, which never changes its form even when associated with words of different ling, kaala, vachana, vibhakti roopa etc . they are used to c...
Vaidyakeeya subhashita sahityam details about importance of snana through this section. Impact of snana on the body and mind, do\'s and don\'ts, Indications and contra indicatio...
Conjunction of two letters coming after one other in certain conditions is called Sandhi. It is used in samhita pada (where two words join), upasarga (root and preposition) and ...
In Hal sandhi, atleast one vyanjana letter is involved in sandhi. it can be the last letter of purva pada(first word) or first letter of uttarapada( second word). In visarga san...
This chapter deals with application of sanskrit knowledge in Ayurvedic classics, and extracting true informations out of it. this chapter in shareera sthana is selected just to ...
Ayurveda is one of the ancient science of world, so Sanskrit is the most ancient language of world. All most all the texts of Ayurveda written by ancient philosophers and rishis...
Samaasa is compound word formed by two or more words. Sandhi is also for joining two words, but difference is that, in sandhi, the last letter of first word and first letter of ...
Laghu siddhanta koumudi of Varada raja bhatta starts with sajna prakarana. It deals with basic rules of samskrutam vyakaran. It is based on this chapter that all sutras are fram...