
Guna - 1 - Part B

Guna resides in Dravya. It has variety of characteristics, so can not be assessed by a single parameter. Concept of Guna is accepted by Ayurveda from Darshana but with slight modification. Total 41 Gunas are accepted in Ayurveda. Guna is classified in to Vishesha- 5,  Gurvadi      - 20,  Adhyatmika- 6, and Paradi- 10, on the basis of way of perception and utility in treatment. Artha guna/ Vishesha guna – are special senses, includes shabda, sparsha, roopa, rasa and gandha. Shabda is of two kinds, dhvani and varna. The attribute which is only experienced by tactile sensation is Sparsha. Rupa is experienced by visual sense organ only (Eyes). Rasa is object of gustatory sense organ, while gandha is special sensation perceived by nose, which is the establishment of olfactory sense. These are seen in akasha vayu agni jala and pruthvi predominant dravyas respectively. All of these used in clinical examination, diagnosis and treatments. Adhyatmika Guna – are those pertaining to manas and atma. This includes, buddhi, iccha dvesha prayatna, sukha, and dukkha. These are also useful in understanding the disease, its cause, satvavajaya chikitsa and daiva chikitsa.


About Author : Dr. Ritesh Gujarathi

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1. Define guna and classify them as per charaka

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