
Concept Of Aharapachan

Food is essential for life therefore food is called Pranam means vital for life.Such food is then digested for the sake of increasing span of life and divided in to Rasa & Mala.Every food particle has to pass in the process of digestion is called Avasthapaka . It involve changing form, structure and taste of ingested material. Avastha paka is of three stages namely, madhura avastha pak, amla avastha paka and katu avastha paka. After complete digestion, final stable absorbable products are produced called Vipaka. It is of three types, madhura vipaka, amla vipakaand katu vipaka.Sara kitta vibhajana is a process carried by Jatharagni in GI tract and by Dhatwagni in seven srotamsi of dhatu.Koshta is identified to be of three types, krura, mrudu and Madhya.


About Author : Dr. Nitesh gupta

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1 Concept Of Aharapachan Concept Of Aharapachan Download
2 Concept Of Aharapachan Concept Of Aharapachan Download


1. Explain Aharapaka (process in digestion) process in detail.

Ans :

  • food is then digested for the sake of increasing span of life and divided in to Rasa & Mala.
  • It starts from mouth, then continues at koshta, with the help of kledaka kapha, samana vata and pachakpitta.
  • Every food particle has to pass in the process of digestion is called Avasthapaka . 
  • It involve changing form, structure and taste of ingested material. Avastha paka is of three stages namely, madhura avastha pak, amla avastha paka and katu avastha paka. 
  • After complete digestion, final stable absorbable products are produced called Vipaka
  • It is of three types, madhura vipaka, amla vipakaand katu vipaka.
  • Sara kitta vibhajana is a process carried by Jatharagni in GI tract and by Dhatwagni in seven srotamsi 

2. Describe Avasthapaka (Madhar, Amla, Katu).

Ans :

  • As per Ayurved science in the process of digestion, every food particle undergoes a common path of three stages called Avasthapaka.
  •  It involve changing form, structure and taste of ingested material. Each of these three stages is denoted by Rasa.
  • Ingested food, when undergoes a common path of digestion due to action of Agni on food, it break down revealing different mahabhutani.
  • First set of such mahabhutani is prithvi and apa. This gives rise to madhura rasa and accentuates kapha. This happens at amashaya.The madhur ( sweet) and shita (cool)  kapha keeps the food non irritant, in fluidity status and in viscous condition.
  • Second set of mahabhutani comprises of teja and jala. This gives rise to amla rasa and accentuates pittaThe location of second stage is between amasaya and pakwasaya, called grahani.
  • Third set of mahabhutani is akasha and vayu . This gives rise to katu rasa and accentuates vata. The process happens at pakvashaya.

3. Write in detail about classification and significance of Ahara.

Ans :

  • Whatever is eaten with mouth or ingested is called “Ahara”.
  • Food is essential for life therefore food is called Pranam means vital for life.
  • Proper Digestion and Absorption of ingested food is the principle factors for the growth of body.
  • Food, after complete digestion is brought in bio- form of various body entities.
  • annam vai brahmah- life is dependent on ahara.
  • it can be of four types- ashitam(eaten), khaaditam(chewed), peetam(drinkables), leedham(lickables) depending on the consistency.
  • samhitas like charak, ashtanga hrudaya etc classifies ahara in to different vargas, based on their properties and action. (Ref.)

4. Write classification of Kostha with its characteristics.

Ans :

  • Word kostha is used for vast vacant places where things can be kept in lot. Charaka samhita takes gastrointestinal tract as kostha. This is part of GI tract where digestion is constantly taking place. 
  • Depending on the type of dosha in prakruti, the kostha is of following types Vata :- krura kostha , Pitta:- mridu kostha, Kapha:- Madhya kosthaBalanced:- Madhya kostha Due to this the physician can test the sensitiveness of colon, and which is suitable drug for him.   
  •   Krura kostha:- Due to vata dosha predominance these people have unsatisfactory  bowel habits and they often complain  about constipation. Their intestine are dry and hence requires snehana or oil treatment for minimum 7 days. The person should be given strong purgatives. 
  •   Mridu kostha: - Due to pitta dosha predominance, people may complain about diarrhea. The intenstine or kostha of such person are soft and hence people may get loose stool even with consumption of milk. The treatment here is to give ghee for 3 days. 
  •   Madhyam kostha: - In these people either kapha is dominant or all are in a balance. They do not need any treatment but sometime can take triphala.  
  • Clinical significance of kostha 
  • Result of this examination reveal predominant dosha and make physician judge line of treatment, advice regarding do’s and dont’s. 
  • Appropriate line of diet can be decided as diet is supposed to be one of the lines of treatment. 
  • For snehan, which unctuous material should be used is decided.
  • Dose and drug of choice of emetics and purgative can be decided.

5. Explain Sara Kitta Vibhajana process in detail

Ans :

  • Sara kitta vibhajana is a process carried by Jatharagni in GI tract and by Dhatwagni in seven srotamsi of seven dhatu.
  • Since Ahararasa is principle channel of supplement of nutrients to all body entities, whatever is kitta with respect to ahararasa, is in fact material to be disposed off in near future as annamala.
  • It is then gets divided into urine and stool in Purishvaha srotas.
  • When Ahararasa reaches srotas of dhatu, say rasa dhatu , dhatwagni of rasa dhatu digests ahararasa and divide nutriments  into two parts.
  • One part is that, which is useful for rasa dhatu this is sara portion for rasa dhatu and its upadhatu.
  • Another part is kitta for rasa dhatu can not use any part from kitta portion for its nourishment.Nevertheless same portion is capable of nourishing dosa kapha. 
  • The same application is true for rest of dhatus.

6. Write difference between Avasthapka and Nisthapaka.

Ans : 1 In avasthapaka food is undergoing digestion- these are the stages of digestion. Digestion of food is complete in vipaka, it is the nature of end product of digestion.
2 Three rasa play role in three avasthapaka of digesting food. Only one rasa plays role, which is rasa of vipaka alter digestion of food.
3 First avasthapaka is necessarily madhur, second amla and third katu Rasa of vipaka is one & final
4 Avasthapaka is observed during action of jatharagni and bhutagni. Vipaka is observed after action of jatharagni,bhutagni & dhatvagni.
5 Avasthapaka shows effect for a short duration. Vipaka shows effect for long duration.  
6 Avasthaspaka can be directly perceived by physical symptoms on body. Vipaka must be derived by means of conclusion – about mala generation, about dosha generation and about dhatu generation.

7. Explain Doshautpatti during Avasthapaka process.

Ans : The stages of Avasta paka are due to inborn locations of dosha. In upper part of body, above heart, dosa kapha prevails by default. Hence food when traverses this part of body through gastrointestinal tract, first stage prevails. it gives malaroopa kapha as a by-product. In middle part of body, between heart and umbilicus, dosa pitta prevails by default. Hence food when traverses this part of body through gastrointestinal tract second stage, namely amlaavasta paka prevails and mala roopa pitta is produced. In lower part of body, below umbilicus, dosa vata prevails by default. Hence food when traverses this part of body through gastro intestinal tract, third stage prevails, and givesorigin to vata..

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