Dik or disha indicates relative location of different things. Generally the direction is stated based on geographical planes of earth. Basic verb root dish, means to point out, to indicate or to show. The dravya which is responsible for the knowledge of far and near is disha. It is one and nitya. Even though it is one, based on upadi bheda, it is known by prachi etc names. Sankhya, Parimana, Vibhaga, pruthaktva, samyoga, are the gunas of disha. Purva (Prachi), Paschima (Pratichi), Dakshina(Arvachi), Uttara (Udichi), Urdhva and Adha are different directions in general. In the context of construction of the rasa shala, sutikagara, kumaragara, kuti, disha has the main role. In case of collection and preparation of oushadhi, diagnosis, prognosis etc also knowledge of disha is utilized.
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Avula srinivas
By Dr.Pritesh Shukla
By Dr.Pritesh Shukla
By Dr. Nitesh gupta
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Dr.Nilesh Kasar
By Dr. Nitesh gupta
By Dr. Sarita Bhutada
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Anup Bhosgikar
By Dr.Nilesh Kasar
By Dr. Nitesh gupta
By Dr. Sarita Bhutada