

Karma is one among six padarthas. It is the ability to execute action. It includes the desire to do action, the effort, and practical way of execution. Every karma is independent of itself. It does not entirely depend on any guna or other karma. There is only correlation between them. That is why some times unexpected karmas happen irrespective of guna or other actions of that object. But karma is  inseparably dependant on dravyas, means it is object specific. As per tarka samgraha, karma is loukika and adhyatmika. Loukika can be utkshepana (active action against the direction of force), Apakshepana (passive action towards the direction of force), aakunjana( centrifugal), prasarana( centripetal) gamana(all other forces in different directions). Ayurveda classifies it in different headings like shodhana, shaman, Upakramas etc. 


About Author : Dr Vaibhav Dadu

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1 karma karma Download


1. Define karma and give a brief account of its classification

Ans : Karma is One of the six categories/padartha ‘क्रि’ in the meaning of ‘विक्षेप’ i.e. throwing +  ‘मनिन्’ suffix प्रवृत्तिस्तु खलु चेष्टा कार्यार्था, सैव क्रिया, कर्म, यत्नः, कार्य समारंभश्च .

•संयोगे च विभागे च कारणं द्रव्यमाश्रितं । 
      कर्तव्यस्य क्रिया कर्म कर्मनान्यदपेक्षते ।। (Ca.Su.1/52)
•प्रयत्नादि कर्म चेष्टितमुच्यते (Ca.Su.1/49)
Types of Karma:• Laukika (Physical) – cause of Samyoga- Vibhaga
• Adhyatmika (spiritual) – deeds described in the Vedas
The laukika/physical actions are categorized under five heads- a. Utkshepana (Upward movement)– उर्ध्वदेशसंयोगहेतुरुत्क्षेपणम् (Tarka Samgraha)   Also known as  Unnamana by Gayadasa Sen  It is against the gravitational pull. b. Apakshepana (Downward movement)- अधोदेशसंयोगहेतुरपक्षेपणम् (Tarka Samgraha)     Known as Vinamana
•Akunchana (Contraction/Abduction) – शरीरस्यसंनिकृष्टसंयोगहेतुराकुञ्चनम् (Tarka Samgraha)
  The cause of the contraction or the abduction i.e. bringing close like the flexion.
•Prasaarana (Expansion) -शरीरस्यविप्रकृष्टसंयोगहेतु प्रसारणम् (Tarka Samgraha)
  The contrary of the contraction is the Prasaarana i.e. moving away from the body. The stretching of the   legs/hands to move them away from the body is an example of the type.
•Gamana (Random Movement) –अन्यत्सर्वंगमनं (Tarka Samgraha)
      This type of movement includes all the other movements which are not certain in their direction and space.

2. Define Karma and write about its importance in Ayurveda

Ans : Karma- One of the six categories/padartha ‘क्रि’ in the meaning of ‘विक्षेप’ i.e. throwing +  ‘मनिन्’ suffix प्रवृत्तिस्तु खलु चेष्टा कार्यार्था, सैव क्रिया, कर्म, यत्नः, कार्य समारंभश्च. 

•प्रयत्नादि कर्म चेष्टितमुच्यते (Ca.Su.1/49)
•प्रयतनं प्रयत्नः
• Importance of Karma in Ayurveda
o Aim of Ayurveda- Dhatusamya
oDefinition of Chikitsa  (Yaabhih---------); Chaturnaam bhishagaadinaam………
o  Shodhana-Shamana
o Shadvidh Upakarma
o Dwividha Upakrama
o Yantra-Shastra Karma- these are all examples of karma in Ayurveda. Dravya is classified based on Karma.

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