
Srishti Utpathi

The process of creation is initiated by six factors, such as Svabhava, Eeshwara, Kaaala, Yadrucchaa, Niyati and Parinama. In the state of Avyakta, which is the equilibrium of Satva, Rajas and Tamas, starts with some discriminations termed mahat, or buddhi tatva. Later, differenciation of entities from oneness is established leading to Ahamkara or I- conciousness or seperatedness. From this, Trigunas develop which indicates three types of attitudes and from this eleven indriyas including manas, and five mahabhootas develop. Permutations and  combinations of these five results in this Universe.The knowledge of the evolution of the Universe is very much needed to understand the origin of Purusha in the field of Ayurveda. Purusha is formed of Panchamahabhuta and Chetana is the abode for the chikitsa. This knowledge helps in the treatment of different entities of Purusha. The components of Srishti Utpatti are Avyakta, Mahat, Ahankara, Panchatanmatra (Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha) and Shodasha Vikara (Panchamahabhuta-Prithvi, Ap, Teja, Vayu, Akasha and ekadasha Indriya-five Jnanendriya, five Karmendriya and Manas).


About Author : Sriharsha

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